Shopping With Google In Stores And Malls
April 14, 2012
Google is teaming up with major retailers to ensure that shoppers don't get lost inside stores and shopping malls. Google has discovered some unchartered territory and it isn't where you might think. The search giant is working to create maps of indoor locations like malls or airports for mobile users to use in addition to their already popular outdoor Google Maps.
So the next time you're lost in an airport, searching for a restroom, or an escalator you could map your way with your mobile phone the same way you do when you're lost on the road. Google is working with leading retailers such as Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Home Depot, and even the Mall of America to provide indoor mapping on Google maps for android phones.
Shoppers are used to having to look for signs or directories with you are here dots to find out where they are. But not anymore, if indoor map makers have their way they'll be able to use your mobile device to pin point your location within 5 to 10 meters. Search store layouts, find dressing rooms, escalators and bathrooms all on a Google map. Some companies such as Point Inside can even direct you to specific aisles within stores to find items such as peanut butter or toilet paper.
While Google's indoor maps don't yet point customers to deals and discounts, competitors in the indoor mapping space see the application providing much more in the future. Imagine searching for some macaroni while in the supermarket and being able to find not only the aisle but also a coupon. Shopping will be a whole new experience with indoor maps and will help consumers get what they need in less time.
Posted by Free Shopping.